CrossFit at its core is defined as Constantly Varied, Functional Movements, performed at High Intensity.
That first part to me is pretty important.
Constantly Varied.
What else is pretty well constantly varied?
And that is why the constantly varied part of CrossFit is something I love so much. It prepares us for so much.
We are constantly thrown curveballs in life.
Car repairs, vet bills, doctors visits, kids sick, a work colleague quits and you have to pick up the slack, relationships ending what they once were, the list goes on.
And through all of those constantly varied events, we keep going, we adapt.
In time what was once a major upheaval for us looks like a blip on the radar of the past.
So for me, about 13 years ago, I had the upheaval of going from a regular old gym program of bis and tris, leg day, chest and back, etc to this new thing called CrossFit. Well it wasn’t THAT new, but was for me. And at the time the upheaval was huge!
I was moving things around the gym, trying to find space, I was constantly worried ‘Would this work?’ ‘Does anyone else in town want to join me?’ It was scary to change at that time.
Some people didn’t talk to me again from within the fitness industry, CrossFit was so maligned back then. Others told me I was nuts, some said ah it will never last, it is a fad, and you will just get injured.
And here I am 13 years later, still CrossFitting, still not injured, better off than I ever have been. Because I lent into that constantly varied aspect of life and business back then.
I took a chance on something different, not completely different, just a little really, and that something different proved to be so much better than I ever could have imagined.
We have now coached thousands of hours, trained similarly, helped hundreds and hundreds of people get fitter, stronger and better than yesterday. All because I accepted that life is constantly varied and went with it.
What can you vary slightly today?
You will be surprised how good it is when you do.