This is a topic that is hit on time and time again. But today, my dear reader, I want to ask you about the different types of motivation or the ways in which coaches motivate. Really, I am asking: ‘Is it actually motivation?’
Do you want to know that your coach is in the best shape of their life via pics or do you prefer to hear how they are going with their training? Does a fitness meme motivate you, or do you prefer some great advice for how to avoid a buffet blow out?
At the moment I am noticing lots of different pics and such on social media that are supposed to motivate you: fit bodies with quotes written over them, coaches flexing biceps or baring their abs to show you that their way works the best. And well, I am not sure that any of them really work that much.
And that is what I want to ask you. What do you want to see from me motivation wise? Do you want me taking selfies in the box and posting them up to show you how I look? Do you want the PRs that I hit to be posted on social media? Because while a new PR of my own motivates me a bit, what REALLY motivates me is seeing PRs that you, my trainees hit.
I know each and every one of you has a life outside the gym, so when I see a new squat PR, a longer string of double-unders or that elusive first pull-up on the PR board, it motivates me no end. For you to go to work every day, tend to family responsibilities and still have enough energy in reserve to do new and amazing things inspires the crap out of me.
I draw my inspiration and motivation from those around me. Yes, I am quite inspired by the efforts of the athletes who have been competing at the regionals, but they are pros, they are sponsored and they can train without distraction. You, my fellow CrossFitters of the 99%, are where the true motivation comes from. You compete with you and you alone, you no longer use the scales or mirror to validate yourself and you have this amazing ability to turn up and put in when it is needed each day that the workout is on.
So hang on … I asked you a question didn’t I? Stuff it! I can answer it myself. I won’t be putting up pics of my abs or biceps – it just isn’t me. I will pop up a pic or two here and there of my PRs. Someone recently told me not to shy away from them, let the world know your successes. And hopefully when you see me struggle and then eventually hit that ever-elusive goal you know I have been after, it will prompt you to keep going and do the same!
About the Author
Jim Ridley is Armidale’s accomplished personal trainer. Having lost over 25 kilos and becoming a PT, Jim knows where you are coming from. He is the owner of Gym Ridz Personal Training and CrossFit Armidale, 2012 Winners of the Health, Beauty and Wellbeing section in the Armidale Chamber of Commerce Business Awards. The only private training studio in Armidale and Armidale’s only CrossFit gym. He is also an avid if not tragic St George Illawarra Dragons fan.