Right now we are in pretty uncertain times. Things are pretty much changing by the hour.
So for some of us we race out and buy what seems like a lifetime supply of toilet paper because, well, it seems this is what we need when it all goes down.
But to be serious what can we actually do right now to help? Sure, follow the directions about social distancing, washing hands, cleaning etc; all really valuable and important things to do, however I think we need to take a few extra steps.
First of all, check on your friends. It seems that people are incredibly heightened now and if they ordinarily struggle with anxiety or other mental health related problems right now they may need us more than ever. We talk about how social media has disconnected us more than connected us, well now is the time to use it for good. While we are socially distancing and some of us self quarantined or even quarantined we can use our social media channels to stay connected and let our friends know we and they are OK.
It does seem that every time I open FB or Insta it is all relaying of doom and gloom, so maybe use messenger or snapchat or anything to reach out. And, this may come as a shock to a few Gen Y readers, pick up the phone, call them, talk with people. Some people may just want to hear that familiar voice.
If we are locked down and told to stay home we are going to need to read, watch TV, get out in the backyard, maybe even play a boardgame! Remember those? haha
There are reports filtering through that a lot of people are only experiencing mild symptoms, it is mostly the elderly and immunosuppressed we have to be careful of, so a little exercise will help some of us should we be unfortunate enough to contract COVID-19 or be quarantined. Simple stuff at home or in the backyard, simply to move and keep our mental health as well as our physical stuff.
Eat well!! I know I say this most of the time, but try to keep veggie and fruit intake up, some good protein sources and you will be keeping your health as a priority. You staying healthy is important to everyone. If you can keep yourself well, you are helping to protect everyone else and if needed you can be called on to help where you are able to and needed. So loads of veggies, and plenty of the fruits you love.
Sleep!!! Yes you need to sleep, it is one of the things that we need to do to recover. Try to get in good solid nights sleep. I know at times that can be hard when unwell or concerned, so maybe try an app like the Calm app, it has plenty of great stuff to help you better prepare to relax and even get a good nights sleep.
If you end up quarantined, or isolated, know that others will help you. You can get some supplies dropped off at your door by a friend or family member. With the supermarkets easing up on deliveries this is another small way we can help each other out.
Right now we are actually being shown how uncertain each day actually is. We as humans are always ‘prepared’, or so we think, this pandemic wasn’t even a blip on our even only a few weeks ago. We can’t control a virus or nature for that fact, it will always rule over us, what we can control are our actions. We can control how we help each other out. We can control how we treat people at the supermarket. We can control washing our hands and keeping a bit of distance between people for a while.
And that is the whole point, concern yourself with what you can control, the other stuff is all going to happen if you like it or not. So keep looking after those around you, check in with them, support them, look after your health and right now, give each other a hand.
It will be needed, if not right now, very soon.