As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes – The whole lot up to 9 pullups is one round.
3 pushpress 40/30
3 pullups
3 pushpress
6 pullups
3 pushpress
9 pullups
Heather – front squats & situps = 7+6
Steff =5+15
Alex = 6
Sam = 6
Em – 13kgs & purple band = 6
Holly – 20kgs & blue band = 6+12
Kate – burpee, box & pushup = 9+6
Maddie – pushups = 6+18
Andre – 30kgs & blue band = 7
AB – Rx = 3+26
Pat – Rx = 7+3
Nigel – red band = 5+25
Mouse – 30kgs & purple band = 6+21