WOD Fri 16/5/2014
Base A: T2B, K2E or hanging knee raises 20 reps for time 2 mins rest 3 rounds
B: Push jerk 4 sets 5 reps 2 mins rest
C: 7 Min AMRAP
7 KB swing 24/20
7 Wall Ball 9/6
7 Box jump 24/20
Climb A: Snatch pull 4 sets 4 reps 90 seconds rest.
Short rests so keep the weight manageable and work on lots of speed intot the 2nd pull once you come past your knees, explode up into a big shrug and make sure it ends up near the middle of your chest. Push your hips into the bar HARD.
B: Snatch balance 4 sets 3 reps 2 mins rest.
Make sure when you push into the bottom you hold the bottom of the over head squat for 2 or 3 seconds. Select your weight according to the balance time at the bottom.
C: 7 min AMRAP
10 Power snatch 35/25
10 Push up