WOD Fri 23/1/2015
Base A: HSPU (Strict) 1 – 10 reps 4 sets 2 mins rest, or your progressions
B: EMOTM 8 Mins
3 push jerk 55-65% max
6 Burpees
C: Death by pull up
with a continuously running clock do 1 pull up at the top of the first minute
2 pull ups at the top of the second minute
3 at the top of the third
Continue adding 1 each minute until the required amount of work cannot be completed in the minute.
Climb A: Snatch balance 4 reps 5 sets 2 mins rest
B: EMOTM 8 Mins
3 Power snatch 50-60% max
6 Burpees
C: Death by pull up
as for Base except perform C2B if desired.