WOD Fri 31/10/2014
Base A: Toes 2 Bar 5 – 10 reps 5 sets 1 min rest
B: EMOTM 10 mins
Odd 8 – 12 HR push ups
Even Deadlift 3 reps @75% max
C: 9 min AMRAP
run 200m
5 burpee
20 air squat
Climb A: Heaving snatch balance 5 reps 5 sets 90 secs rest
B: EMOTM 10 mins
Power Snatch cluster 60-65% max
C: 9 min AMRAP
20 Double unders’
10 front squat 45/35
40 double unders
10 front squats
60 double unders
10 front squats
Snatch cluster is 3 snatches, the . represents 10 secs rest
The weight should be quite quick, do a rep, dump it, rest 10 secs repeat for 3 each minute at the top of the minute.