WOD Mon 1/12/2014
A: Strict pull ups 1-10 reps 5 sets 90 secs rest
B: Strict press
EMOTM 10 mins 3 reps
C: for time 21-15-9 reps of
Wall Balls 9/6
A try to get at least 1 more rep for the first 2 sets this week, again no bands, negatives and ring rows are still your options, however try to get closser to parallel with the floor on ring rows.
B very strict, should have 45 to 50 secs rest each set so try for a weight that feels “comfortable” to start with
C: go all out on this and make sure you come in under the time cap.
Watch your wallballs and stick with the target focus on hitting it each rep
10 min time cap