WOD Thu 24/4/2014
A: Over head squat 4 sets 5 reps 2 mins rest
B: Strict pull ups 3 to 8 reps 4 sets 90 secs rest. Add weight if you can get 8 easy
C: 4 rounds for time
8 shoulder to over head 50/35
10 toes to bar
12 Box jumps 24/20
WOD Thu 24/4/2014
A: Over head squat 4 sets 5 reps 2 mins rest
B: Strict pull ups 3 to 8 reps 4 sets 90 secs rest. Add weight if you can get 8 easy
C: 4 rounds for time
8 shoulder to over head 50/35
10 toes to bar
12 Box jumps 24/20