WOD Tue 4/11/2014
Base A: HSPU’s 3 -8 reps 4 sets 90 secs rest or the progression you are at.
B: 10 Mins to get a tough power clean
C: 2 rounds for time
25 push up
25 box jump 24/20
25 toes to bar
Climb A: Push jerk 5 reps 4 sets 90 secs rest, don’t focus on heavy laod focus on tech and working in under the bar, getting depth before standing up.
B: 10 mins to get a 1RM snatch
C: Isabel or Grace
For time
30 snatch 60/40
For time
30 Clean and jerk 60/40
With Grace there must be a distinct clean then a jerk, in other words full extension on clean before commencing jerk.
Isabel both feet must return to deadlift position for the rep to be completed with full lock out of knees hips and shoulders.
10 min time cap for both C’s